Corporate governance and data security

Sustainable and responsible corporate governance


Corporate responsibility is an essential component of sustainability for CANCOM. To ensure that the CANCOM Group meets this responsibility, we recognize international and national standards, actively participate in networks and ensure that we fulfil our responsibility through internal processes and compliance management.

Our commitment to responsible corporate governance

The economic, ecological and social challenges are increasing. We stand by our responsibility as Leading Digital Transformation Partner to utilize the potential of digitalization for our customers and, in doing so, also to provide answers as a company to current questions about social, ecological and economic responsibility. Our sustainability strategy defines the goals to which we are committed and to which we want to contribute in terms of corporate sustainability.

CANCOM has supported the UN Global Compact since 2015. In doing so, we have set ourselves the goal of shaping globalization in a socially, sustainably, and ecologically responsible manner. Our commitment to the ten principles of the UNGC in the areas of human rights, employee rights and occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and anti-corruption is therefore an integral part of the mandatory supplier information. All CANCOM Group suppliers confirm their compliance with the UNGC principles in writing in advance.

We report annually on progress in implementing the goals of the UN Global Compact.

CANCOM is active at more than 60 national and international locations. At all of our sites, we are committed to compliance with the core conventions of the International Labor Organization, or ILO standards for short. Within the CANCOM Group we respect and promote the ILO principles.

CANCOM’s Executive Board is expressly committed to the goals of the ILO labor standards, promotes them within the company’s sphere of influence and takes all steps to ensure compliance with them. The Executive Board’s statement on the core labor standards can be found here. CANCOM encourages all employees, suppliers and customers to actively report violations and misconduct and has set up a whistleblower mailbox for this purpose.

If you have any questions about the ILO labor standards please feel free to contact us via email at ed.mo1729556171cnac@1729556171ecnai1729556171lpmoc1729556171

ILO Labor Standards:

  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining


  • Elimination of forced labor
  • Abolition of child labor
  • Prohibition of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

As leading service provider for hybrid IT infrastructure, we work with suppliers every day. We evaluate all partners we enter into business relationships with and check whether our partners also comply with the agreed standards.

As a listed company, CANCOM is subject to a range of reporting and transparency obligations and is committed to high standards of proper corporate governance. Annual declarations on compliance with the standards of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) and on corporate governance practices are just as much an expression of this sense of responsibility as guidelines on various topics of corporate social responsibility or the publication of our rules of procedure for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.

Within the CANCOM Group there are a number of commitments that CANCOM supports. All of the larger company locations maintain long-term, local and sustainable partnerships with local institutions and support them with annual donations. The focus of the projects varies from location to location.

CANCOM SE, as the parent company of the CANCOM Group, regularly supports projects in the area of child and youth welfare as part of its annual Christmas campaign. In this context, we have been working with charitable associations and initiatives for years, and our employees have been actively involved internally in regionally based projects.

This is where CANCOM gets involved

Memberships and associations

  • IT Service Management Forum
  • Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger (SdK) e.V.  
  • Bundesverband der Krankenhaus IT-Leiterinnen/Leiter e.V, Bundesverband Digitale Bildung (BvDB) e. V. 
  • Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft BVMV e.V 

  • Bundesverband Fuhrparkmanagement e. V. 
  • Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien (bitkom) e.V. 
  • Bündnis für Bildung e.V. 
  • Cyberforum e.V. 

  • Deutsche Sachverständigen Gesellschaft mbH 
  • Deutscher Investor Relations Verband (DIRK) e.V. 
  • Deutschsprachige SAP-Anwendergruppe (DSAG) e.V. 
  • digitalHUB Aachen e.V. 

  • eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e. V. 
  • OSB Alliance – Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität e.V. 


  • Charta der Vielfalt

      Information security and data protection are a special concern for CANCOM. We help our customers to protect their data and information with our certified data centers and processes. We offer our customers the highest security standards in our data centers.

      But data protection is also a top priority for us when it comes to employees, customers and suppliers. You can find out more in our privacy policy and data protection guidelines.

      If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact our data protection officer by telephone on +49 8225 996-1182 or by e-mail at ed.mo1729556171cnac@1729556171ztuhc1729556171sneta1729556171d1729556171

      All employees of the CANCOM Group are made aware of the existing laws, guidelines and processes. Compliance with laws, processes, and guidelines is expected of all employees. All CANCOM employees are encouraged to report any violations of legal or internal requirements that they discover or even suspect in good faith. Reporting channels are available for this purpose, either by stating one’s own name or via an anonymous whistleblower mailbox. Incoming reports and the resulting internal investigations are documented comprehensively but confidentially by the Compliance Officer. CANCOM ensures that there are no sanctions of any kind against persons who report a compliance violation in good faith.

      The following link for internal and external reporters can be used to send reports anonymously or by providing your own contact details:

      Further information can be found in the Compliance section of the CANCOM website: